Kemah & Bay Area Thai Massage Services

Thai Massage Services in Kemah, Texas

All massage is not created equal and here at My Thai Bodyworks and Spa, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your therapeutic goals - whether it is relaxation or recovery from pain.

Thai Massage
2500-year-old style of Asian bodywork. A unique combination of meditation, reflexology, stretching, yoga and acupressure. "The” best therapy for maintaining healthy muscles and joints with good flexibility and range of motion. Muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure are also used during treatment. People describe Thai yoga therapy as both relaxing and energizing. The therapist guides your body through a flowing sequence of yoga-based stretches, while applying rhythmic pressure along energy pathways. Please be sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue therapy aims at a deeper level of the muscle tissue and is more focused on specific areas of pain and tension.

Swedish Massage
This classic style will combine various techniques to improve circulation, promote better sleep, reduce anxiety, and create an overall sense of well being.

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish Massage is a relaxing and flowing massage that focuses on the superficial muscles, helping to increase the flow of oxygen in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. The five basic strokes of a Swedish massage are sliding or gliding, kneading, rhythmic tapping, friction or cross fiber and vibration/shaking. All strokes must travel towards the heart, this supports the movement of fluid back to general circulation. Swedish massage is helpful in reducing stress, joint stiffness, and improving poor circulation.

How can Swedish Massage help you?

Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for:

1. Improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension

The strokes of Swedish massage replicate the movements of the circulatory system. By performing the strokes toward the heart, Swedish massage drains metabolic waste from the limbs of the body.

2. Dissolution of Adhesions

The Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) notes that Swedish massage can break up muscle adhesions and help promote the healthy healing of scar tissue. Swedish Massage uses strokes like cross-fiber friction to work out the kinks that can accompany injured muscles. These strokes help get rid of scar tissue and return the muscles to their normal, healthy state.

3. Relieving stress

The strokes of the massage relax individual muscles, while the overall experience eliminates mental stress.

4. Relieving pain

Swedish sessions can target specific areas of pain like a sprained ankle, or they can be used to help manage the chronic pain that comes with conditions like arthritis. By using strokes that improve circulation and increase body-wide relaxation, the massage therapist can help make many painful conditions more bearable.


